Scripture tells us we were made in God’s image, and then given dominion over creation (Genesis 1:26). It is a blessing when public policy supports the awesome responsibility placed in our hands to care for our Lord’s world.

As stewards of God’s creation, we are called to combat environmental damage to our surroundings. Many laws have been enacted to help thwart negative treatment of our planet. Oregon, as an example, was the first state to enact a bottle bill in 1972 primarily as a litter control measure. The year before its passage bottles made up nearly 40% of the litter collected in that state.  Thanks to sustained compliance with that legislation, last year the statewide redemption rate for containers subject to deposit was over 85%.  Those bottles are no longer littering Oregon’s parks and highways.

A decade later, in 1982, the New York State Returnable Container Act – our bottle bill – was adopted.  The Empire State boasts the bottle bill reduced our roadside container litter by 70%.  It was reported in a recent year that the state recycled 5.1 billion plastic, glass, and aluminum beverage containers totaling more than 246,000 tons.   New York is cleaner and healthier thanks to compliance and participation in this program.

Today, we may overlook such a mundane task as routine trips to redemption centers to collect our nickel returns as an act of stewardship for God’s creation, but it is.  

During these pandemic times, our trips to return deposit containers may have been limited due to restricted redemption center hours, and, therefore, our collections may be piling up at home.  We are providing an opportunity for you to discard those cans and bottles. Our Youth Group is participating in an international relief effort of the Samaritan’s Purse ministry. “Cans for a Cause” will assist families in poverty-stricken nations obtain food.  By participating, you can care for God’s creation as well as help others that have been created in God’s image.  

Please feel free to bring your bottle returns along with you for worship this Sunday, November 15th at 10:00 AM for our outdoor worship (weather permitting).  We will gladly accept your bottles and cans as a donation for the Youth Group fundraising effort. Thank you for caring for God’s creation.