This coming Sunday, December 6, Christians commemorate Nicholas, Bishop of Myra. If you are not readily familiar with this saint, allow me to drop a few hints: he’s known for his penchant for making lists and checking them twice; he’s also rumored to have a sweet tooth for cookies.

Heaven knows where Santa has been data mining to determine who’s been naughty and nice. One thing is certain. His source was in existence long before the internet and its engine search tools, such as Google.  Today, regrettably, many on Santa’s naughty list use today’s technologies to search for information on unsuspecting people for destructive purposes.

While those on Saint Nick’s good list are providing scrumptious milk and cookies for his anticipated arrival, the bad boys are tending to a different type of cookies. Computer cookies collect data, and, sadly, cyber-criminals are poisoning these cookies with viruses and malware. The Grinch-like intent is to steal the identities and financial resources of innocent victims; therefore, houses of worship now must pay special attention to the safety and security of its worshippers. Personal identifiers, such as specific anniversary dates, birthdates, addresses, should be avoided on mass distributed communications. Identified personal health conditions should be limited to prayers for comfort and healing. Caution should be given before mentioning financial contributions from specific individuals. By following these guidelines, we can protect ourselves from those wishing harm.

Nonetheless, our faithfulness will not allow the unscrupulous intentions of those on Santa’s bad list to deter us from enjoying the joy of the Advent Season. Please gather with us this Sunday, December 6, indoors at 9:15 AM or 10:30 AM for our outdoor drive-in worship (weather permitting) as we await the Nativity of Our Lord.