The Wall Street Journal is an excellent resource if you’re interested in learning the backstory of a Fortune 500 company’s latest takeover attempt. It’s also a great place to find information regarding potential changes in fiscal regulatory policies. In fact, as one of our country’s largest newspapers based on circulation (2.8 million copies), the publication is regarded as a go-to source for most business news.

But would the Journal be a place you would look for trends in today’s Christmas Pageants? Probably not. Yet, you may be surprised to learn this Wednesday’s edition (12.16.20) included an article on precisely that topic. The piece is the fourth installment of a series on “Life in Quarantine,” covering different aspects of how people are getting through the pandemic.

The article ‘Covid Can’t Steal Christmas’: Americans Reinvent Holiday Traditions During Coronavirus highlights how some churches are trying to sustain a favorite Christmas tradition – the children’s Christmas Pageant. The author shares examples of congregations implementing outdoor drive-in pageants, videotaping children acting out scenes from their front yards, creating Spotify playlists, and other new, innovative ideas.

After overcoming the surprise of reading such an article in a business publication, I then gained comfort in realizing we are not alone in confronting such challenges during the pandemic. I take pride in our congregation’s plans to take similar actions to those exemplified in the article. The show must go on.

Our talented Youth Director, Bobby Stainkamp, let the Spirit guide him to develop a Children’s Illustrated Christmas Pageant, one that has excited our youngsters during its planning and practices. This program will be unveiled both as part of our outdoor drive-in worship (half-hour) this Sunday, December 20th, at 10:30 AM, and virtually. Then on Christmas Eve – Thursday, December 24th, 2:00-3:00 PM, we will hold another alternative worship service — a Family Live Nativity worship with special four-legged friends from Steppin Out Ponies & Petting Zoo joining us.

Our Christmas Eve worship schedule also includes a 4:00 PM drive-in worship (half-hour) and a 10:00 PM candlelight devotion (half-hour). On Christmas Day, Friday, December 25th, we will provide virtual Christmas Carols and Lessons at 10:00 AM. Please join us. After all, Christmas is our business!