Yesterday we observed the Ascension of Our Lord. The death, resurrection, and ascension of Jesus are part of the orderly account Luke introduces at the beginning of his Gospel message. Our Lord’s ascension occurred forty days after the empty tomb was discovered on Easter morning. The Evangelist Luke concludes his Gospel, his orderly account, with the ascension.

Luke shares Jesus’ final words with his disciples before his grand exit. He tells them to do something most of us hate to do: wait. “Stay here in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high (Luke 24:49).”

Haven’t the disciples been through enough? They have faithfully followed Jesus throughout his ministry, witnessed his arrest, beating, crucifixion, resurrection, and now as the Lord returns to his heavenly home, and says “wait.” Stay here.

There is no joy waiting in line. There is no pleasure waiting for a ride. There is no tranquility waiting in a waiting room. There is no rest when you must hurry up and wait. Yet, Jesus says stay put. So, we wait.

We now wait for the Day of Pentecost. Luke’s Gospel doesn’t say when that day comes. Just wait. You must crack open Luke’s next best-selling book (The Acts of the Apostles) to know when the power from on high will clothe the disciples. That great Day of Pentecost occurs ten days later. We know that now. But, at that time, the witnesses of the ascension did not know.  Just wait.

Waiting is always easier in the company of others. We invite you to wait with us. Please join us as we wait this Sunday, May 16th, the final Sunday of the Easter Season, for Pentecost Sunday. We will wait and worship at our 9:15 AM (indoor) or 10:30 AM (outdoor drive-in) liturgies.