“Congratulations. You’ve been chosen. Remember the date August 27th. It’s important.”

Last year, for at least two months preceding the noted date, a creepy video made with a blue filter went viral on the social media platform TikTok. As the date approached, the video was viewed over 6.4 million times. The interest leaked over to other platforms, including Twitter, which further disseminated the message.

The innocuous message raised many questions and confusion. Is August 27th a holiday? Why is it important? Was this an ominous warning? Is something supposed to take place on that date? What should we do to prepare?

It turns out the viral message was nothing but a hoax. The originator of the video made it just for fun. She randomly selected the date, and its choice had no meaningful significance. Nonetheless, many viewers anticipated an apocalyptic event. Others jumped on the bandwagon and circulated messages declaring August 27th as “Manifestation Day,” a day to manifest, do something.

When August 27th arrived last year, nothing usual happened, other than new social media viral messages sent out announcing, “if you’re reading this, you’ve made it to August 27th.”

Congratulations, one year later, you have once again made it to August 27th. Similar to last year, your day will probably be nothing out of the usual. But, if you are looking for an extraordinary day, remember you’ve been chosen.  Remember the Sabbath. It’s important. We invite you to join us for worship every Sunday, including this weekend, Sunday, August 29th for our 9:15 AM (indoors) and 10:30 AM (outdoor drive-in) liturgies.