Many theories abound regarding why countless churches have painted red doors.  

One tradition claims that medieval churches throughout Europe would paint their doors red as a sign of sanctuary. The doors were a symbol of rescue and hospitality for all who sought refuge and safety.

Another symbolic explanation claims the color of the doors serves as a reminder of Israel’s deliverance from slavery. In Egypt, entries marked with lamb’s blood at the Passover ensured God’s salvation. This explanation foreshadows Jesus as the true lamb of God sacrificed for our sins. Thus, some claim the doors represent the sacrificial blood of Christ.

Others suggest the red color is indicative of the presence of the Holy Spirit. It marks the presence of Holy Ground; therefore, you are welcome to experience the warmth and love of God.

There has been a less theological description as to why some church doors are red. The selected color supposedly indicates that the church property’s mortgage has been satisfied.

Tradition says the front doors of the Wittenburg church where Martin Luther allegedly nailed his 95 Theses were red. After performing that act, which sparked the Reformation, the Roman Catholic Church leadership eventually compelled him to seek sanctuary. So, maybe it was appropriate for that door to be red.  

This Sunday, October 31, is Reformation Sunday. We commemorate what took place at the Wittenburg Church door on that day in 1517 and what ensued after that. The liturgical color of the day, you guessed it, is red.  We worship at 9:15 AM and 10:15 AM. So why not join us for this commemoration?  Please feel free to wear red!