Fellow Christians, do you know the ABCs of Sunday worship? 

Each Sunday, most churches select scriptural lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary. This table of readings, formally adopted in 1994 following a nine-year trial period, is an outgrowth of the Roman Catholic “Ordo Lectionum Missae” produced as part of the Second Vatican Council’s reforms. As a result, regardless of which church you may attend, you will likely hear the same lessons during worship. Some of the church bodies using this lectionary may include Baptists, Disciples of Christ, Episcopalians, Lutherans, Methodists, Moravians, Presbyterians, Reformed churches, Roman Catholics, United Church of Christ congregations, and Unitarians.

The Revised Common Lectionary was developed in a three-year cycle, each focusing on a different Gospel. Year A is devoted to the lessons of Matthew, Year B highlights Mark, and Year C concentrates on Luke. Additionally, you will find John’s lessons inserted in each of the three years during most high holy seasons, such as Easter. 

This coming Sunday’s readings are brought to you by the Letter L, as in “Luke.”  We begin a new church calendar year with the First Sunday of Advent, which kicks off the lectionary’s Year C. We will hear Gospel messages from the Evangelist Luke throughout the next twelve months. 

We invite you to join us this Sunday, November 28, to celebrate the First Sunday of Advent. Our worship hours have changed for the new year. Please join us at either 9:00 AM (half-hour spoken liturgy with Holy Communion) or 10:00 AM (traditional liturgy with Holy Communion) as we welcome Luke and the other Year C lessons.