You may recall singer Cher pondering, “If I could turn back time.” How often do we think about how wonderful it would be to relive some of our past experiences or perhaps address things differently if we had the chance to do it over again?  

Yes, this Sunday, November 7, we have the chance to turn back our clocks. Daylight savings time comes to an end, and we return to standard time. Therefore, we will gain an extra hour of sleep as we “fall back” in time. But, other than an additional 60 minutes of rest, we really won’t have opportunities to go back to our past.  

Once you awake on Sunday morning, your tasks will probably involve verifying your electronic devices with clocks appropriately adjusted. Of course, you will also have to change other clocks manually. Additionally, you may heed the advice of our fire officials and change the batteries in your smoke detectors. But, again, one thing you will not be doing is physically going back in time.

But, we do indeed invite you to turn back in time through remembrance. In addition to Sunday being the end of daylight savings, it is also All Saints Sunday. This commemoration is when we encourage you to turn your hearts, minds, and prayers to loved ones who have entered the eternal kingdom of God. 

As part of this celebration, our congregation honors our dearly departed friends and family members who joined the glory of everlasting life during the previous year. For our November 7th worship liturgy at 10:30 AM, as we remember these saints. At that time, we will place roses on the altar in their memory. We invite you and your family to join us in celebration of those who now rest in the eternal loving arms of Christ. You are also welcome to attend our 9:15 AM spoken liturgy on that day.