by Marc Herbst | Nov 30, 2020 | Pastor Marc’s Remarks
Happy New Year! Wait…what do you mean, “Happy New Year?” It’s Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving. Are you rushing the end of this pandemic year, skipping Christmas, and trying to jump ahead to 2021? The answer is no. Certainly, we are not skipping Christmas. The...
by Marc Herbst | Nov 20, 2020 | Pastor Marc’s Remarks
Ahead of Thanksgiving, there has been consternation regarding how to keep our families safe from COVID-19 while maintaining some celebration. That topic is worthy of great consideration; however, I urge you also to remember those within our community who do not have...
by Marc Herbst | Nov 13, 2020 | Pastor Marc’s Remarks
Scripture tells us we were made in God’s image, and then given dominion over creation (Genesis 1:26). It is a blessing when public policy supports the awesome responsibility placed in our hands to care for our Lord’s world. As stewards of God’s creation, we are called...
by Marc Herbst | Nov 6, 2020 | Pastor Marc’s Remarks
Popular actress, comedienne, and singer Maya Rudolph played the role of Lillian, the bride in the 2011 movie “Bridesmaids.” The movie was a critical and commercial success, earning more than $288 million at the box office worldwide. One critic claimed its success was...
by Marc Herbst | Oct 30, 2020 | Pastor Marc’s Remarks
This Saturday evening you can set your clocks back one hour and gain an extra hour of sleep. Rather than the extra slumber, you may choose to use this Sunday morning’s special gift of additional time to ponder loved ones who now rest in eternal life. The end of...