Name Calling

Name Calling

During the Reformation, the Roman Catholic church was quick to name any movement viewed as heresy after its founder. The term “Lutheran,” as an example, was a derogatory reference towards reformers who supported the views and teachings of Martin Luther. Luther...
Three Day Weekend

Three Day Weekend

Are you familiar with Public Law 90-363 of 1968? It amended Section 6103 (a) of Title 5 in the United States Code. While probably neither the referenced law nor its amended section of the code means anything to you, its effect certainly will this weekend. So enjoy...
Congratulations. You’ve Been Chosen.

Congratulations. You’ve Been Chosen.

“Congratulations. You’ve been chosen. Remember the date August 27th. It’s important.” Last year, for at least two months preceding the noted date, a creepy video made with a blue filter went viral on the social media platform TikTok. As the date approached, the video...
Beer and Bibles

Beer and Bibles

Virginia Sinclair Hawes could only find one place available in New York’s East Side neighborhood to start an “Everyday Bible School,” and that was a beer garden unused during the day.  That program, beginning in 1898, became the first known Vacation Bible School (VBS)...
Deep Pockets

Deep Pockets

Whenever public leaders go astray from focusing on their primary responsibilities, there is a good chance an advocate will prophesize to them in corrective ways. While doing so, they may even present a tangible item to illustrate their point.  During the Watergate...