Fighting Words

Fighting Words

Kunz v. New York was a landmark Supreme Court case that reached an 8-1 decision on this day seventy years ago, January 15, 1951. The case resolved a freedom of speech issue. Specifically, it ruled that it was unconstitutional to require a permit to speak on religious...
Looking Toward Heaven

Looking Toward Heaven

They said, “Men of Galilee, why do you stand looking toward heaven?” (Acts 1:11) A brilliant individual whose name comes from the root of “Galilee” had an impressive career gazing up at the sky. Unfortunately, his views did not meet the satisfaction of the theologians...
Calendar Correction

Calendar Correction

Happy New Year! You might have a new, blank 2021 calendar to plan your schedule for the coming year.  Did you know that Easter plays a prominent role in the calendar you will use? Today’s internationally accepted civic calendar is the Gregorian Calendar, which was...
First Day of Christmas

First Day of Christmas

Today we celebrate the First Day of Christmas. To celebrate this most special day we are providing you with Christmas Lessons and Carols (please click link).  Please enjoy this worship. Carols or caroling are usually associated with Christmastime.  The meaning of the...
Press on Pageants

Press on Pageants

The Wall Street Journal is an excellent resource if you’re interested in learning the backstory of a Fortune 500 company’s latest takeover attempt. It’s also a great place to find information regarding potential changes in fiscal regulatory policies. In fact, as one...
True Light

True Light

As the sun descended below the horizon last night, the Feast of Dedication began. Though it is only referenced once in the New Testament, the commemoration has been observed annually, beginning more than 160 years before Christ’s birth. The Gospel of John...